Adoption Type: Open, semi-open, and closed
Race: Any
Gender: Male or Female
Are you open to twins? Yes
Are open to sibling groups? Yes (2 and under)
Dear Expectant Mother…
Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell you a little bit about us. We are Rachel (31) and Brock (33). We are grateful that you love your unborn child so much that you are willing to consider an adoption plan for him or her. We have already been praying for you, your baby, and this process of adoption you have considered.
We live in a beautiful city in the south as do Brock’s dad and stepmom. The majority of our family lives within a short driving distance where we are able to spend a lot of time with them on the weekends. We are embraced by a large extended family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and many cousins. Brock works in a university’s athletic department as a fundraiser and I am a speech-language pathologist in a skilled nursing facility.
As you may notice in pictures, Brock and I are both little people – we were born of short stature (having dwarfism). However, we live an ‘average’ lifestyle like everyone else and do not let anything or anyone get in our way of doing so. This is all due to how our wonderful parents raised us (as we are both the only little people in our families).
Our dream has always been to be parents and have a family one day. With your blessing, we may have this opportunity. As we all know, life is a gift from God. It is precious and something to hold tight. We have been praying every day for this gift to be parents. We look forward to the biggest day of our lives when we can bring a baby home.
You are a blessing to us and we hear your heart. You are valued and you are loved by our creator. You have made our dream to become parents a wonderful blessing. Even though we do not know you yet, we are so grateful God has brought us to you. We know you are a beautiful soul and someone very special to all of those around. We continuously pray for you every day – for your health and this important decision you will be making.
We know this is a confusing and difficult time for you while you are trying to figure out the best option for both you and your precious baby. We hope you feel supported and loved no matter where you are at in your journey. We admire you so much for choosing life and for considering adoption.
We promise that if you choose our family to be the adoptive parents of your baby, he or she will have the best life! We will always provide unconditional love, emotional and financial support, a safe and stable home, and a good education. We promise to teach him or her where they came from, who loved them enough and still loves them enough to give them the life we live. Most importantly, we will raise this baby to know and love our God through Jesus Christ.
These are just a few of the experiences he or she will have with us: family vacations every year, birthday dinners with loved ones, attending sporting events which dad works, church activities, going to the lake in the summer, fishing with Big Daddy, cooking with Mama D, gardening with Aunt Erin, going to Florida to see Gigi and riding horses with Granddad.
This child will be so loved.
If you do not choose us, that is okay. We will always continue to pray for you and your baby. We love you and respect you for whatever decision you may choose. However, if you do choose us, we would be so honored to be a part of this journey with you – through the tears and the joys.
Peace and Blessings,
Rachel and Brock