The Bible says in Mark 16:15, “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” It also says in Matthew 25:40, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever
you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Small World has sent another team to China for our Face to Face Journey mission trip. The Team has arrived safely in Beijing, China. These families are excited to be a part of this effort to bring families to orphans in our partner orphanages in China that might not be adopted without
this compassionate program. Small World approved families only, have gone with our staff to the orphanages and are meeting the children face to face. Face to face visits with the children removes the mystery and doubts associated with accepting a referral of an orphaned child.
With this “Face To Face Journey”, there is the opportunity for these families to connect with their future son or daughter in person. These waiting children are adoptable. Approved Small World families can meet adoptable children and confirm their hopes. Will you please pray for them as they continue to travel around and love on these children in our partnership orphanages? What an awesome privilege we have been given to put on such an awesome trip. To God be the glory!!!