Matthew and Katie

Adoption Type: open, semi-open, designated, and closed

Race: any

Gender: either

Are you open to twins? yes

Are open to sibling groups? yes






Dear Expectant Mother,

Hello! Let me introduce myself and my husband. We are Kate and Matt, and I want to begin by saying thank you for considering my husband and me as adoptive parents. I know it took a lot of courage to decide to place your child for adoption, and I know it was a difficult decision for you. Please know that my husband and I hold you in our thoughts and prayers.

I would like to tell you a little about us. Matt and I met in 2012, and we were married in 2014. I grew up in a small town in Alabama, and I have always loved children. Even at a young age, I babysat a lot of children and helped with the nursery and children’s church at my home church. I currently have a career that allows me to work with kids one on one every day, and I truly love my job! Growing up, I enjoyed family vacations and participating in extracurricular activities, like playing the piano, singing, and dancing. I still play piano and sing. My parents were loving parents as I grew up, and I always had a close bond with them. I have one older sister, and I enjoy spending time with her, my niece, and brother-in-law. My husband grew up in Tennessee on 20 acres in the country. He enjoyed exploring the outdoors, hiking, fishing, camping, and he continues to enjoy these hobbies. Matt works full-time in engineering and building machinery. Matt is close to both of his parents and his younger sister. His sister and her husband have one daughter, and she has another daughter due in July. We love spending time with our nieces, and I love to see Matt’s calm but fun personality shine through when he is around our nieces. Because our families live close by, we do visit them often. We have a wonderful support system. Matt and I also have a happy and friendly dog in our home, and he is great with children and adults. In our free time, we enjoy being outdoors, traveling to new places, and playing board games. We look forward to adding a son or daughter to our home!

Before Matt and I met, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). At the time of my diagnosis, I was educated by the physician about symptoms related to PCOS. Infertility was one of the symptoms many women experience with it. I was informed I may require fertility treatments to become pregnant when I was ready to become a parent. I shared this with Matt as we were dating, and we discussed adopting a child should we experience this. After a few years of trying to get pregnant, Matt and I felt a peace and excitement from God about adoption. We know in our hearts God has called us to adopt a child.

Should you select us to adopt your child, I can assure you your child will be loved unconditionally by us, our family, our church family, and our friends. We are Christians, and we will teach him or her about our faith in God. We want our child to experience the love of God and grow to trust in Him. We will take our child to church to learn about God and fellowship with other Christians, and we will exemplify God’s character in our daily lives. We want to provide a loving and supportive environment so that our child can explore certain interests and hobbies he or she wants to pursue. We also hope to teach our child compassion toward other people.

We hope to share our child’s adoption story with them. We want our child to learn about their biological mother, and we would teach our child to appreciate your decision out of your love for them. If you choose an open or semi-open adoption, we would be happy to share pictures and communicate with you.

We are praying for you and your baby. We admire your courage, and thank you for considering to bless us with your child.

-Katie & Matt