- Adoption Type: Open, Semi-open, Closed, Designated
- Race: Caucasian, Asian, Middle Eastern, Native American, African American
- Gender: Male or Female
- Are you open to twins? Yes
- Are open to sibling groups? Yes
Dear Expectant Mother
First of all, thank you. Thank you for choosing adoption for your child. I cannot imagine all the difficult decisions you have had to make on this path. I have so much respect for you and the courageous decision to pursue adoption. I am so honored that you are considering us and taking the time to read this letter.
Let me tell you a little bit about us. My name is Hannah and my husband is Nick. We have a two-year-old little boy named Everett and a dog Tipper. Nick and I met through our church in Mississippi. We were in the same small group Bible study where we got to know each other. We dated for two years before we married and have been married for five years. Adoption is something we have talked about from the very beginning. Long before we were married or even engaged, we discussed our desire to one day adopt and both knew that it would be our plan to adopt in the future. After a lot of prayer, we decided God was leading us to begin our adoption journey. We both feel like we have so much love to give any future children and see adoption as a beautiful picture of the gospel and being adopted into God’s family.
I grew up in a small town in Mississippi and had a wonderful childhood. My parents are amazing and set a godly example for my sister and I. My family is still very close. We get together frequently and recently have started monthly camping trips. My parents bought a camper and we all pile in for the weekend. Everett and my niece think camping with Babsy and Pop is the best thing ever!
I have always loved children. I started babysitting at a young age and worked as a nanny during the summer in high school and college. I also spent a lot of time doing mission work in Nicaragua. While I was there, I worked in several different areas: I lived in a children’s home where I helped to take care of the children, taught English lessons in the public schools, and worked with an after school program. It was there that I developed a love for the Spanish language. I worked as a high school Spanish teacher for seven years. When Everett was born, I chose to stay home and care for him full time. I loved my job, but I am so grateful I get the opportunity to be home and raise him and any future children.
Everett is the sweetest little boy and will adore his future brother or sister. He loves all things that go…trucks, tractors, airplanes. His favorite things to do are to go to the grocery store, story time at the library and play outside. Everett also loves fruit and could eat his weight in blueberries! We have been talking to him often about a brother or sister and he is already so excited.
Nick also grew up in a small town. We live in the town where he grew up and he now works there as a family doctor. He loves seeing patients that he has known his whole life. He truly loves his work and taking care of people. Nick is very kind and generous and goes out of his way to help others. One example of this is when we were dating, he was working in the hospital and cared for an elderly man. His wife was with him and worried about taking care of their cat because she didn’t drive. Nick drove her home after his shift so she could care for her cat and then took her back to the hospital.
Nick grew up in a very close-knit family. His parents have always supported and loved him in everything. They have been present in all events of his life and prayed for him as he grew up. Nick also grew up enjoying trips and other activities with his parents, sister, and extended family. Nick’s parents and his sister and her family live within fifteen minutes of us so we are able to see his family often. Nick loves children and is a devoted father. He works to provide for our family, but prioritizes family over work and will always be present for all milestones big or small.
As a family, we love to travel. Our son is two and has already been to two other countries and three national parks! We also love to play games together. That was a big part of Nick and I dating. We would cook and then play games almost every night. As our family grows, traditions and things we do change, but we will always seek to make time for each other and family time. Church is a big part of our lives as well. We attend church regularly. Nick serves as a deacon and I teach Sunday school and we host a small group. Our hope though is that our children will see church not as just a Sunday activity, but that we live out our faith every day of our lives. God is present in our lives every day.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and get to know us a bit. It is hard to put everything into words, but I suppose the most important thing I hope you get from this letter is this: We will love your child and do our best every day to make sure they know they are loved by us and by you. We are praying for you and the decision you have to make that God will direct your steps and give you peace that only He can.
With love,