- CCCWA changed their longstanding policy of requiring adoptive families to make a donation of 35,000 Yuan (approximately $5,500) at the adoption signing. They made an announcement at the end of 2017 that the donation would be voluntary in the future.
- There is concern among some orphanage directors about the possibility of a lack of adoption related funds in the future.
- There is no question that the “donation” has helped conditions in orphanages over the years. Small World has been working in China since 1994 and seen the international adoption program in China grow and become the number one sending country in the world.
- After having several families process through the new system, we are pleased that most families decided to make the full donation of their own free will.
- We believe in order for the system to continue to work efficiently the funds for the orphanages must stay constant. Though the donation is no longer mandated, it is undoubtedly needed by many of the orphanages. Based on what we have seen and heard, families electing to reduce or eliminate the orphanage donation amount have experienced longer processing times in some provinces. Some agencies tell us their non donating families are staying an extra week in China due to the lack of expedited services being provided by the orphanage and civil affairs representatives. This lengthens the time families are required to remain in the province as opposed to the schedule to which we have grown accustomed with donating families.
- At this point Small World recommends families continue to make the standard donation largely because it is the only part of adoption cost that goes directly to the orphanage to care for the children. We respect our families’ wishes in every case. No Small World services are effected either way. No one is required or pressured to give the donation, but we do recommend it. For those who elect to participate in the orphanage donation, Small World will wire those funds along with the other foreign costs to China at the time of travel. Those funds will then be available at the appropriate time during the process in the province. This prevents our families from being required to carry large amounts of cash overseas. It also allows Small World to issue financial statements that include all the foreign costs including the orphanage donation. This becomes a significant help when families are applying for the adoption tax credit. If the family elects to change the amount of their orphanage donation while in China, Small World will refund any applicable amount upon the family’s return home, in accordance with our refund policy.
- It is a blessing to partner with Christian brothers and sisters in our imperative of making orphans into sons and daughters! James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction…..