Partnerships – BAK

DSC_1407 The Bible says in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” We have taken the message of the Gospel on countless mission trips to places such as China, Madagascar, Lesotho, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Uganda, Madagascar, Poland, Nicaragua, Russia, and many other countries. We are very fortunate to have relationships with orphanages and governmental officials all over the world. Whenever we’re fortunate enough to visit other countries, we never go empty handed. Along with the gospel message, we bring toys, clothes, food, washers, and dryers, vitamins, medical supplies, etc.

A couple of our most recent trips were our China Medical Mission Trip, Face to Face Journey, and our Reverse Mission Trip. On our China Medical Mission Trip, our team took Dr. Paul Heil over to do medical evaluations on children in two different orphanages. In our Face to Face Journey, we took 8 families to the exact same orphanages that our Medical Mission Trip team went to. They loved on the children, took them swimming, played games, and also went to the park. All 8 of those families adopted children they met on that trip and 9 children found their forever families. On our Reverse Mission Trip, we brought 10 children from China here to the US for a two week trip. While they were here, Dr. Heil gave them medical evaluations, we took them to the Zoo, a local salon gave them all makeovers, we had a picnic for them, and many other things as well. Of those 10 kids that were brought over, 9 of them found their forever families.

How can YOU or your CHURCH partner with SW?

  • Speak with our Executive Director, Jimbo Savley, Office 615-754-6540 or
  • Become a Small World Ministries child advocate
  • Support Small World Ministries financially with your tax deductible donations
  • Request your church to take a love offering for Small World Ministries on Orphan Sunday
  • Lead your church, Sunday School Class, or business to support Small World Ministries on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
  • Volunteer at your local Small World office
  • Join us on a Small World Ministries Mission Trip

Small World is also a proud partner of Everyone’s Wilson. For more information on Everyone’s Wilson, please click below.


“Small World Ministries”, a trade name of Small World, Inc. raises funds every year to support our Christian ministries to children and families ie Small World’s “Orphan’s Christmas Campaign”, “Orphan Sunday”, and Small World’s alternatives to abortion “Save A Baby” Campaign on “Sanctity of Human Life Sunday” in January each year.  Small World Ministries has been a trade name of Small World, Inc. for over 25 years.